Quick Start Guide

This guide will help you quickly set up and start creating your own mods for Opera GX.

Step 1: Clone the Mod Template

To get started, clone the official Opera GX Mod Template repository:

git clone https://github.com/opera-gaming/gxmods.git

This template provides the basic structure required for modding, including the manifest.json and necessary folders.

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Navigate to the cloned directory and install any dependencies required for the project:

cd gxmods/Mod_Template
npm install

This will install any tools or libraries needed for mod development.

Step 3: Edit the Manifest File

Inside the Mod_Template folder, locate the manifest.json file. Update the details to reflect your mod’s name, description, author, and other configurations:

  "name": "My First Mod",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "A custom mod for Opera GX",
  "author": "Your Name",
  "backgroundMusic": "path/to/music/file",
  "sounds": "path/to/sounds/file"

Step 4: Add Custom Assets

Place your mod’s custom assets (images, sounds, shaders, etc.) in the appropriate folders within the Mod_Template directory. Update the manifest.json file to include the correct file paths.

  • Background Music: Add your music file in the assets/music folder.
  • Custom Sounds: Add sounds in assets/sounds.

Step 5: Build and Test

Once your mod is configured, use the following command to build the mod and test it locally:

npm run build
npm run dev

This will compile your mod and open a local development environment to test it within Opera GX.

Step 6: Upload to Mods Store

After testing, you can upload your mod to the Opera GX Mods Store by following the submission guidelines provided in the Opera GX Mods Documentation.

Ready to learn more? Check out the Features section for advanced modding options like adding background music, shaders, and more!